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FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: FT232. 2 level case
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: FT232.121 4 level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: CP2102.121 4 level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: CH340.121 4 level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: FT232  .four level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: CP2102  .four level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: CH340 .four level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: FT232  .double level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: CP2102 .double level
FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene: CH340 .double level

FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene

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CHF 18.59

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UVP:CHF 24.19

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FT232 / CH340 / CP2102 USB zu TTL USB to serial UART modul FT232RL spannung isolation signal isolation Vier ebene


  • Modellnummer: USB to TTL
  • Markenname: JISDA
  • Kompatible /Modell: Kein

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